Energy Clearings


Personal & Entity Clearing:

You may have energies in your energy field that do not belong to you and may be interfering with your life - these are best cleared for your clarity and well-being.

Occasionally, spirits called entities can lodge themselves in a person's body and are best removed as they can interfere with the physical body.

During the removal process, Barbara will astral travel to you. Then she will scan you for the location of the entitles or negative thought forms. In the case of entities, she will communicate with them and then help them to cross over. At times she has called on Arch Angel Michael to assist her. After removal, Barbara will put Light into the area the removed entity was occupying in your body.


Residential/Business Clearing:

Barbara, a professional psychic for over 30 years, will personally clear you and/or your home of all negative energies including spirits (often referred to as ghosts). By removing the energetic blocks, a new energy and lightness will flow. Removing stuck energies allows your home to become a peaceful sanctuary for you. For businesses, a clearing makes way for increased creativity and prosperity.

This clearing is a two-part process.

1) Removal of all stagnant or dark energies and/or spirits.

2) Creation of an opening that invites your sacred energies to flow benefitting both you and your home/office environment.